Ralph Lauren Polo T-Shirt, Burberry?

 What a classic, if u think of a polo tshirt, you think of that famous horse on the left hand side of the breast. When it comes to smart casual clothing if your in doubt get the raplh out it will never let you down.

 But it hurts me to say, that this is geting over kill now. People who don’t know how to wear it are puting the lbel and Shirt to shame and they are far to common now, dont you agree? It seems to me you are more likely to see a scruffy little scrote wearing it than someone that will do it justice.

 This is why I’m goin to look for alternatives to the  Famous Polo T-Shirt I don’t know where I’m goin to start but it will be fun. I’m thinking of steering away from the big brands or should I say the more common brands.

I’m a new fan of Vivianne Westwood, and the mens wear is really not that bad!  a big brand but less common,  just enuff for someone to say wow a vivianne?  But I still think I’m goin to look up the upcoming brands, ones that people don’t know about OR take notice of? I mean that is the true fashion not to follow the crowd?!  I like the fact people will like the clothes but have no idea who it is.